Monday, February 28

Waiting For The Moon To Rise

New Post At Last!

I realize I've been gone for like a week now. I apologize if anyone has been here to see if there's some new pictures only to find out I'm lazy as can be. I do have an excuse though! I got a job! I write titles for erotic ebooks lol. Here's some kitteh pictures so you forgive me.

Sunday, February 13

 I realize I haven't been writing much on this blog this past few days, in fact I haven't been writing here much at all. I've been around, I lurk a bit and think things to myself, but I confess I have a hard time talking about myself. Here as in real life. What is real life anyway? The internet is part of our world now.

I apologize for my lack of imagination. I don't really know what's even appropriate for a blog. I wrote a song called "Ode to necrophilia" about a year ago as a joke, but I hardly think anyone that doesn't know will "get it", and by "get it" I mean laugh and not freak the fuck out. My writing isn't always PG-13. I'm exploring and thinking, so maybe my blog will get better soon.

I'm hoping to start my etsy shop this week and next. I'm also wishing the shipping costs won't be too high here since I often get put off by the price of shipping & Handling. I'm desperately going to try to make a living out of something I like doing. I don't plan on it being my career, but one never knows where they'll end up. Maybe I'll be a Ventriloquist.

Friday, February 4

Have I mentioned it's Spring here?

I would even say it's summer.I live in a place with only two seasons; The wet one and the dry one. At least most of you have variety. I'm stuck looking like an asshat(is asshat spelled "Ass Hat"? The grammar of this is gonna bother me for a full ten minutes) halfway through January by way of a jacket. Unless I'm in Texas. In that case I'm ready for the weather!

Et voila! France Gall...

Tuesday, February 1

Crazy Cat Lady Lady

Frankenstein . France Gall
Next . Scott Walker
Ceremony . New Order
I Don't Wanna Grow Up . Tom Waits
Seria Feliz . Julieta Venegas
Tous Les Garcons Et Les Filles . Francois Hardy

Dress: Thrifted Vintage (a store in Mesquite, TX)
Shoes: Payless
Crocheted Collar: Self made 

You can make yourself one of these Collars too.